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Winchcombe Rotary Club
Winchcombe Rotary Club was formed in 2015 with just eight members. Today it is a thriving club with over 30 members. The members come from Winchcombe and its surrounding areas. Everyone is welcome to join. We welcome all ages, both singles and couples; currently about half of our members are female.
We hold meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. The first meeting is usually a Speaker Meeting where we invite a range of Speakers to inform/entertain us. The Speaker meeting is preceded by a meal in the Corner Cupboard in Winchcombe. The second meeting is usually our Monthly Business Meeting where we deal with matters related to running the club and its activities. Both Speaker and Business Meetings are held in the Winchcombe Conservative Working Men's Club..
Our aim is to raise funds to donate to charities and needy causes and also to be involved in community projects and, importantly, to have lots of fun whilst doing this.
The membership of Winchcombe Rotary Club is a diverse group of individuals who have come together to enjoy being involved in the community of Winchcombe.
Fundraising for Charities, Community Service and Social Activities are the key items on our agenda and our aim is to grow and expand what we do.
As we all have many demands on our time, members are free to chose their own level of involvement with the clubs activities. For some membership is purely social but for many it's a lot more.

Winchcombe Rotary Club meets twice a month on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Our normal meeting place is the Conservative Working Men's Club, High Street, Winchcombe. We also hold a variety of fundraising and community events with our "Signature" event being "Classics at Prescott," a classic car hill climb event which will be next held in May 2025.
Our fundraising activities are extensive and have involved in the past Concerts, a Static Bikeathon, Santa's Sleigh, Quiz Nights etc. We also have a 100 Club which is a monthly draw for three cash prizes. Our main fundraiser however is our Classics at Prescott event which will be next held in May 2025.
Charitable Donation
Donations to charities and needy causes are administered by our Charitable Funds Advisory Group. We look at applications for both large and small projects and
have a clear set of criteria under which the group operates.
Community Projects
We are involved in a wide range of community projects, this involves providing
non-financial assistance to groups and community activities.