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Winchcombe Rotary

Winchcombe Rotary Club is an inclusive group of people who wish to enjoy the interaction whilst providing means to serve our local community.
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Richard Hammond at Prescott 2022

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Fundraising for the Trussell Trust

The Aims of the Club

The aims of the club are to provide an environment for a wide and diverse membership to have a healthy, enjoyable and inclusive social interaction whilst providing a service to the community. This involves fundraising  to help needy causes linked to Winchcombe and its surrounds and engaging in community projects.

See our Gallery of Activities


Who we are

We are a mixture of couples and single people both male and female with a wide range of ages, mainly, but not exclusively from the Winchcombe area.


Interested in being involved?

We always welcome new members and we encourage people to come along with no commitment. Contact one of the club officials and we can arrange for you to come along as a guest, meet some people and find out more about what we do.

To find out more about Rotary at a national level click here.


Club Officers

President - Gavin Phillips.

Secretary - Mike Page

Treasurer - Andy Bride

Immediate Past President - Hazel Phillips
President Elect - Brian Maggs

These five officers constitute the Club Steering Team

To contact any officer email -


Contact us

If you need information or wish to ask any question please get in touch.

Winchcombe Rotary Club 2020
Winchcombe Rotary Trust Fund CIO is a Registered Charity Number 1184913

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