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Gallery of Activities​

Here are a few pictures and descriptions of some events the Rotary Club has been involved with in the recent past. They include both Club, Charity and Community activities.


Christmas Trees come down on Twelfth Night.

A concerted effort in chilly conditions saw the trees come down from around the town on Twelfth Night. The trees managed to survive the windy weather over the Christmas period with minimal issues. Our thanks go out to the volunteer ladder climbers, trailer lenders and the Young Farmers tree disposal service.  (January 2025)



The Trees are up despite the bad weather.

Storm Bert impacted our plans to "Light up the Town" this year. I meant we needed to delay siting the trees by one week but we successfully achieved the goal in time for the Christmas Festival weekend. Many thanks to all who assisted and to those who contributed by purchasing a tree.  (November/December 2024)



Bikeathon in aid of North Cotswold Food Bank.

Rotary members, friends and family took part in an all day Bikeathon in aid of the North Cotswold Food Bank. Kevin Carden, Manager of the Food Back, visited to do session on the bike. Many thanks to everyone who generously donated to the collection and thanks to Body4You for the loan of the bike. (October 2024)

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Taking the opportunity to be involved in the community.

The Rotary Club took its Gazebo and a selection of it's members to both the Winchcombe Country Show and the Stanway Classic Car event.  The Stanway Show gave us the opportunity to promote our Classics at Prescott event whilst at the Country Show we provided some family fun with our traditional fairground games.(August 2024)



A Great Day for a Summer Barbeque.

The Rotary Clubs Summer Barbeque has become one of the most popular social events of the year. 2024 was no exception and with some lovely weather, super food and good company a wonderful time was had by all. Many Thanks to Brian and Linda Maggs who hosted 24 guests in their garden. (August 2024)



Classics at Prescott 2024, another fantastic year.

The Rotary Clubs 'signature' event Classics at Prescott was held once again at Prescott Hill Climb home of the Bugatti Owners' Club. 200 Classic cars were able to drive the famous hill. A really successful day for entrants, sponsors and spectators raising funds for Rotary supported Charities (May 2024)



Classic Cotswold Tour made even more enjoyable by wonderful weather.

With a completely redesigned route around the Cotswolds in store, over 70 cars left the Royal Oak in Gretton in glorious sunshine. The drive took up most of the day with a stop off at the Donnington Brewery in Stow-on-the-Wold. (May2024)



Rotary Young Artist Competition.

In our first year of running the Young Artist Competition we were delighted to to have so many entries from Winchcombe Abbey Primary School. the theme for 2024 was 'rebuilding' and some of the great interpretations from the young artists are shown here. winner of the competition was Anna Kutsevolova (April 2024)



Bishops Cleeve and Winchcombe Rotary Skittle evening.

Bishops Cleeve and Winchcombe Rotary Clubs came together at the Royal Oak in Prestbury to play a game of skittles and enjoy supper. Prizes for highest scoring Lady and highest scoring Man preceded supper and a final game of "Killer" (February 2024)



Santa has been busy on his Sleigh around the Town.

From touring the streets of Winchcombe, Greet, Gretton and Alderton to welcoming children outside the Co op, Santa has been kept very busy. Many thanks to all who visited and made contributions to our charity funds. (December 2023)



Trees go up to "Light up the Town"

A very busy weekend to prepare and install the Christmas Trees throughout the town. Over 70 trees have been installed. Many thanks to those who have supported us and those who helped with the installation on the day. (November 2023)



Remembrance Service 2023.

Past President James Neuberger placed a wreath on the Winchcombe War Memorial whilst members also assisted in the running of the event by providing marshalling of traffic to ensure a smooth traffic flow whilst the road through Abbey Terrace was closed. (November 2023)



The Rotary Club wishes the Toy Library every success.

This month saw the opening of the Winchcombe Toy Library. This is a Win-Green-Town initiative sponsored by Winchcombe Rotary Club.  WE all hope it will be a resounding success and bring happiness to lots of Winchcombe children.  (July 2023)



Classic Cotswold Tour 2023.

A sunny day welcomed almost seventy classic car owners and their passengers to the Royal Oak in Gretton which was the departure point for a day touring the north Cotswolds and the opening event of the 2023 Classics at Prescott. The Tour takes in the whole day and allows entrants to enjoy a variety of stop off points on the route enjoying the scenery and taking some refreshment. (May 2023)


20th Anniversary of Classics at Prescott

Winchcombe Rotary Clubs "Signature" event this year celebrated its 20th anniversary. Unfortunately only nineteen have actually taken place due to COVID. This year he event welcomed almost 400 Classic Cars either as part of a Static Display or driving the famous Prescott Hill Climb. A sunny day brought in the spectators who enjoyed watching the Hill Climbers and picnicking in the sunshine. All proceeds go to Rotary supported Charities and needy causes and over £350,000 has been raised since the first event in 2004. (May 2023)



Another successful Charity Quiz night.

A well attended and successful Quiz night was held at Abbey Fields Centre. The beneficiaries are Lupus UK and Myeloma UK who will each receive a donation of £600. many Thanks to all who supported the event and special thanks to the Coop and Williams of Winchcombe for there kind donations of food and wine.  (April 2023)



Santa and his Sleigh are visiting Winchcombe.

Despite the bad weather Santa has been out on his Sleigh greeting children and playing Christmas music. He had to postpone one evening due to the snow but has managed to keep his other appointments. He visited the Coop on Saturday with his helpers and also made the draw for the December 100 prizes which include an extra special £100 Christmas prize. He had a visitor all the way from Australia who found the combination of a snowy Winchcombe and a picture with Santa the highlight of her trip. Proceeds from the collections we have made will go to supporting the Toy library in Winchcombe.  (December 2022)

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Dressing the Town with Christmas Trees.

The last weekend in November is the traditional time for the town to be dressed with Christmas trees. The effort requires an all out effort from Club Members and Friends of Rotary as the trees need to be prepared, decorated, transported and erected in the space of three days. This year we have erected over 80 trees extending the reach into Gloucester Street. We express our thanks to all who have supported us by taking a tree as well as the Young Farmers and Rotary Friends who assisted in the preparation and erection of the trees.  (November 2022)

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Winchcombe Service of Remembrance.

A busy weekend for Club Members with churchyard maintenance duties at St Peters Church on Saturday and participating in the remembrance service on Sunday. The Rotary Club took on the traffic stewarding duties whist the town centre was closed as well as placing a wreath on the memorial in Abbey Terrace. President Elect Hazel Philips stood in for out of town President James Neuberger. (November 2022)



Club visit to our neighbours "Hollingsworth and Vose"

Some weeks ago Mike Keeling Site Manager at Postlip Mill gave a talk at a speaker meeting relating to the history of Postlip Mill and the Hollingsworth and Vose activity at the site today. He extended an invitation to Rotary for a group visit which was taken up by sixteen Rotary Members this week. Thanks to Mike and his staff for their hospitality. (October 2022)



Great afternoon at Winchcombe Country Show

The Club had its usual spot at the 2023 Winchcombe Country Show. The ever popular "Wheel of Fortune", "Bat the Rat" "Soak the Rotarian" and "Find the Wine" provided entertainment and prizes for all involved.  It was also great to talk to members of the public who were interested in Winchcombe Rotary Clubs activities (August 2022)



Winchcombe Rotary Queen's Jubilee Afternoon Tea.


 Twenty-Six members and partners gathered over the jubilee weekend to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. In true Rotary style we did not let the weather put us off and we shared a memorable afternoon and an equally amazing spread provided by members. The afternoon was topped off by a loyal toast to Her Majesty’s amazing achievement. God Save the Queen! (June 2022)



Midland Air Ambulance Sky Champs Project.


 Winchcombe Rotary is delighted to support the Midland Air Ambulance Sky Champs project with a local programme. The project aims to equip children and young adults, across the region, with skills that could save a life while waiting for emergency services to arrive. Rotary sponsored the Air Ambulance team to deliver CPR and Bleed Control training for seventy year 10 pupils at Winchcombe School as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards. The school was also left a bleed control kit. (June 2022) 



Hugely Successful Classics at Prescott in it's 19th year.


 Almost 400 classic cars attended the event at the Bugatti Owners Club to be part of Classics at Prescott 2022. The weather was perfect for the morning session but rain at lunchtime meant we had to take things a little slower in the afternoon. An added attraction this year was Richard Hammond's Presence filming for his Richard Hammond's Workshop. All monies generated go to Rotary supported charities.(May 2022) 



Wonderful weather for a trip around the Cotswolds.


Saturday 14th May saw the opening event of our Classics at Prescott weekend with our ever popular Classic Cotswold Tour. Entries for this 80 mile all day tour of the North Cotswolds have continued to grow and the weather this year was an added bonus. Thanks to the Royal Oak in Gretton for not only allowing us to use the car park as the departure point but also for providing the breakfast service. (May 2022) 



Quiz night a great social event and fundraiser for Living with Dementia Charities.


The Over 60 quizzers across 13 teams joined an evening of fun, food and facts at Encounter Church.  With ten varied rounds, celebrity pictures and jokers played tactically, teams vied for the top spot.  Thanks to the Co-op for providing food for ploughman’s platters.  All profits in aid of Alzheimer’s Society, BeSocial@theCentre and ReEngage (April 2022) 



Fantastic support for our Ukraine Disaster Fund bucket collection.


The recent collect we held outside the Co-op for the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal raised a fantastic £1600 which we were able to donate immediately to the DEC. Thank you everyone who generously contributed. The Club also added an extra donation of £500 from our Charity Fund. (March 2022) 

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Celebrating the life and culture of Robbie Burns.


Twenty plus members celebrated the life and culture of Robbie Burns with a traditional Burns Supper at Wesley House. Not only was traditional attire on show and traditional food on the menu but the Haggis was addressed (attacked) by Mike Page, a toast to the lassies offered by Terry Blane and the lassies reply given by Margo Lamb. Jim Craigie chaired the event and treated the group to some of Robbie's poetry and we finished with a rendition of Auld Lang Syne. A good night was had by all  (January 2022) 



Time to take down the Christmas Trees.


Taking down the towns Christmas Trees is the final Christmas activity for he Rotary Club. Saturday saw us remove all the large trees from the town and Sunday all the small trees were taken down from the town centre. Thanks to Ian Humphries for his help and the Young Farmers for helping us dispose of the trees in an environmentally friendly way. We look forward to Christmas 2022. (January 2022) 



A weekend of Christmas Tree dressing for Winchcombe.


This weekend saw the annual Christmas Tree dressing with over 60 trees being mounted on a dwellings and businesses all around the town, as well as several large trees being installed at churches and prominent locations. Thank you to everyone who supported this activity either by purchasing a tree or assisting us with the installation (November 2021) 

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Classics at Prescott a resounding success.


 After the disappointing cancellation of Classics at Prescott in 2020 the event enjoyed wonderful weather, a full paddock and record spectator attendance in 2021. This event has been running for 18 years and has raise a huge amount of money for a wide range of Rotary Charities. Thanks to all helpers both from within Rotary and friends of the club. (September 2021) 



Classic at Prescott 2021 opens with Classic Cotswold Tour.

Our Classics at Prescott weekend opened on the Saturday with the ever popular Classic Cotswold Tour. Over 60 cars entered, including nine members of the Midget/Sprite Owners Club, departing from the Royal Oak in Gretton and taking on a 75mile journey around the picturesque towns and villages of the North Cotswolds. Thanks to the Royal Oak team for providing a breakfast service before departure. (September 2021) 

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Cruising in the Sunshine.


 The latest adventure was a cruise on the River Avon. Leaving from Bidford. Club members took the narrowboat up the river through four locks before turning around (interesting) before cruising back to Bidford. A picnic on the way in beautiful weather was a welcome relaxation following the efforts needed to take the boat through the locks. (September 2021) 

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Rotary at Winchcombe Show.


 The August bank Holiday saw the Club be involved in a welcome return for the Winchcombe Country Show. Our Wheel of Fortune, Bat the Rat, and Find the Wine games were popular but soaking Rotary members in the stocks was seen as great fun. It was great to be out and about and meeting everyone. (August 2021) 



Cycling for the Trussell Trust.


 The Club held a static bikeathon outside the Coop, on Greet Road, to raised funds for the Trussell Trust who manage the North Cotswold Food bank supporting Winchcombe and other communities around the North Cotswolds. The team took turns to cycle around a 52 mile route which took in all of the North Cotswold Food Banks. The initial target was to complete two laps but encouraged by the fantastic public support we managed three. Many thanks to Body4you for the loan of the bike and Midcounties Co-op for allowing us on the premises. In total we collected over £700. Thank you for your generosity. (August 2021) 

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Tree Maintenance in the New Cemetery.


 A Group of Club Members got together to do some maintenance of the trees we planted in the New Cemetery back in November 1919. The trees are in the main establishing themselves really well although there have been a couple of casualties which will be replaced in the autumn.  The group did a little pruning, re-tying and replacing some of the stakes before enjoying some a catch up and some refreshment.  (August 2021) 

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Summer Barbeque enjoyed by all despite the rain.


 Everyone was really looking forward to getting together for the first time socially in eighteen months to enjoy a summer barbeque. The weather certainly kept us on our toes but a thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all. Thanks to James and Belinda for hosting the event.   (July 2021) 



Our contribution to "Thank You Day"


Rotary Nationally supported the national Thank you Day to show appreciation for everyone who has helped us throughout the pandemic by promoting a "Power Hour" at 11am on July 4th. Our contribution was to conduct an hours worth of litter picking around the centre of Winchcombe.  (July 2021) 

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Incoming President Gavin Phillips thanks outgoing President John Evans for his difficult, yet very successful year.


The planned face to face AGM and Handover meeting at Wesley House was thwarted by the extension of indoor meeting restrictions. The handover was however conducted using Zoom with almost thirty members and officials in attendance.  (June 2021) 

June 30th  marks the end of term for club officers and is the time for the President Elect to take up their year as President. Our handover on Thursday was again a "Virtual" event but the following day new President Gavin Phillips visited outgoing President John Evans to say thank you for his successful year and present him with a pair of commemorative wine glasses. Gavin Takes over the President role from July 1st and he outlined his key objectives for the coming year. "The club members have demonstrated Rotary being People of Action and one of my key aims, is to expand our relationships with local organisations to continue the fabulous work of responding to our community’s needs.  You’ll see us out and about, so come and talk to us to find out more about Winchcombe Rotary Club.  We’re a sociable mixed group and welcome new members."
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Helping maintain the churchyard at St Peters.


Having postponed several "maintenance" days due to Covid it was possible to bring together a working party of volunteers to bring the weeds and creeping Ivy back under control. Rotary members have helped over the past few years with is important maintenance work on this iconic Winchcombe landmark.   (June 2021) 

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Rotary Club Sponsored Honduras Student Graduates.


Twenty two year old Fanny Alejandra Sanchez, who has been sponsored by our Rotary Club, graduated with a Degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Honduras in December 2020. Fanny has spent her whole life in the Santa Maria de Los Angeles children's home in Olancho Honduras. The childrens home supports children from birth through to young adulthood and Father Alberto, who runs the home, can be seen here with a new arrival as well as a birthday celebration and a proud moment at Fanny's Graduation.   (May 2021) 


Winchcombe Rotary Club 2020
Winchcombe Rotary Trust Fund CIO is a Registered Charity Number 1184913

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